Webdevelopment blog

Webdevelopment blog

Html5 x

CSS-only Carousel Slider

As a frontend developer, my days are primarily filled with crafting JavaScript-based components using frameworks like Vue, React, or Angular. These frameworks excel at empowering me to create reusable frontend elements, whether it's buttons, modals, links, or accordions. However, as I reflect on my reliance on these…

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Vue components vs directives

A directive is an HTML attribute with the purpose to reactively apply side effects to the DOM. In Vue directives are prefixed with v-, you probably have already used a few directives before; v-if, v-for, v-model etc. But did you know you can write your own directives? This article will explain the differences between Vue directives and Vue components and when you can add your own custom directives. The differences between components and…

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How to fix “Breadcrumbs issues detected”

As of April 6, 2020, Google bots will no longer honour data-vocubulary.org markup in your html pages. Structured data based on this markup will lose its value and support. Starting January 2020 Google sent mails to developers that markup on their website is deprecated. The solution(s) The fix for this problem is fortunately easy. Where you’re using the data-vocubilary.org now, you should use the markup described on schema.org. Another…

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Communication between Vue components

When you develop a Vue application you're probably developing multiple components. Many components work independently and are therefore easy to use, but in some occasions, you want your components to work together. For example, when you want to share data, share a state or want to use output from one component in an other component. Although the documentation of Vue feels complete and clear, it lacks information about implementing communication…

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Nederlandse reguliere expressies

Een reguliere expressie biedt een gestructureerde methode om patronen te definiëren waarmee een computer tekst kan identificeren. Deze methodiek volgt een formele syntaxis, die deels gestandaardiseerd is. Reguliere expressies worden breed toegepast, bijvoorbeeld op websites en in webapplicaties, voor het valideren van e-mailadressen en postcodes. Zo wordt bijvoorbeeld een e-mailadres gecontroleerd op de aanwezigheid van alle vereiste patronen.…

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Een minimaal HTML5-document

HTML5 is de nieuwste versie HTML, die nog steeds wordt ontwikkeld. Websites worden steeds meer voorzien van verschillende soorten media, het gebruik van het internet is ook gewijzigd. HTML5 biedt nieuwe mogelijkheden die het gebruik van nieuwe technieken makkelijker maakt. Een HTML5 document zal minimaal uit de volgende regels bestaan: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="nl"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>title</title>…

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